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Phytoestrogens for menopause

Estrogen decreases as a result of menopause halting estrogen production from the ovaries. While adrenal glands and fat continue to make estrogen, the severe decrease in production causes many of the symptoms seen in menopausal women. There is evidence to suggest that diet has a strong connection to reducing symptoms as well as providing health benefits to the altering effects of menopause.

Due to limited estrogen production, certain studies have indicated that foods high in phytoestrogens can alleviate symptoms like hot flashes. Phytoestrogens are similar to the chemical stricture of estrogen and mimic the effects. In addition to physical activity being shown to ease this symptom, high phytoestrogens foods such as those listed may be beneficial to incorporate into your diet.

· Flax seeds

· Soybeans/Edamame

· Dried fruits such as dates, prunes and apricots

· Garlic

· Peaches

· Berries

· Tofu/Tempeh

· Wheat bran

· Cruciferous vegetables

There is a lot of controversy between foods high in phytoestrogens, however the evidence suggest an association between a decrease in cholesterol levels, improved menopause symptoms and a lower risk of osteoporosis and certain cancers. Multiple studies have also included that high phytoestrogen consumption has been linked to decreased risk of breast cancer specifically, has no effect on male hormones and no effect on thyroid function. The bottom line is that incorporating such foods into the diet has been linked to positive benefits seen in menopausal women.


A Natural Approach to Menopause. (n.d.). Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Retrieved May 17, 2021 from

Berkhesier, Kaitlyn. (2019, August 23). 11 Estrogen Rich Foods. Healthline. Retrieved May 17, 2021 from

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